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Student payment

Procedure file Card
In charge Degrees Service
Description Make a payment by bank promissory note (proof of payment) issued by Public University of Navarre.
Period-Deadline 15 calendar days from the promissory note issuing date
Who can apply Students
Application requirements
Fees/Public prices
Documents to submit A promissory note (proof of payment / abonaré) from Public University of Navarre including the following details:
  • Issuer (Emisora)
  • Reference (Referencia)
  • Identification (Identificación)
  • Amount  (Importe)
Rules and regulations
Ways and places of processing
Online 1. Pay by credit/debit card

2.Pay through the following webpages of the authorised banks, only for clients:
        - Banco de Santander
        - BBVA
        - CaixaBank
        - Caja Laboral
        - Caja Rural de Navarra
In person In the offices of authorised banks.
Contact for more information
Email oficina.informacion@unavarra.es
Telephone 948 169096
Office address University Welcome Office. Ground floor Library. Pamplona campus: Arrosadia. 31006 Pamplona