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PhD: Authorization request for thesis deposit

Procedure file Card
In charge Doctoral School of Navarre
Description Authorization request for the thesis carried out at UPNA
Period-Deadline Anytime
Who can apply UPNA PhD students
Application requirements To have completed the preparation of the thesis and the Training plan required by de Doctoral School 
Fees/Public prices No
Documents to submit APPLICATION FORM
Acceptance form to be part of the defense committee and/or to be an external reviewer
Suitability report on the defense committee and the external reviewers
TESEO document
A copy of the thesis
SDG Application Form
Requirements depending on the mention or the modality      
Rules and regulations Agreement A09/2017 of EDONA Steering Committee
Agreement of the Governing Council of July 2, 2014, which approves the regulations governing the doctorate at the Public University of Navarre, modified by the Agreement of the Governing Council of December 15, 2017, which regulates the admission of new PhD students and the requirements to supervise doctoral theses.
Royal Decree 99/2011, of January 28, which regulates official doctoral studies.
Ways and places of processing
Online Recommended browser Google Chrome. ¡IMPORTANT! Remember to attach the application document together with the applicable information, when you “start procedure” (Iniciar trámite) in the Electronic registry.
In person "Not applicable"
Contact for more information
Email escuela.doctorado@unavarra.es
Telephone 948 16 6006 / 7965
Office address Escuela de Doctorado de Navarra - EDONA. Edificio "El Sario". Campus de Pamplona: Arrosadia. 31006 Pamplona