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Home > On-line Office > Catalogue of services > > UPNA Pre-doctoral contracts - Ramón y Cajal

Procedure file Card
In charge Research Service
Description Call of 4 grants for students who have never applied before, to train pre-doctoral researching staff UPNA-Ramón y Cajal for academic year 2024/25.(+INFORMATION )
Period-Deadline See call
Who can apply Students accepted or who have applied to be accepted into a doctoral programme of Public University of Navarre within the application period.
Application requirements See call
Fees/Public prices No
Documents to submit Application
Rules and regulations Call
Ways and places of processing
Online Recommended browser Google Chrome. ¡IMPORTANT! Remember to attach the application document together with the applicable information, when you “start procedure” (Iniciar trámite) in the Electronic registry.
In person Not applicable
Contact for more information
Email servicio.investigacion@unavarra.es
Telephone 948 16 6247
Office address Servicio de Investigación. Edificio Rectorado. Campus Arrosadía. 31006.Pamplona