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What is the on-line office?

The on-line office of Public University of Navarre is the electronic site available for the citizens through the telecommunications networks. It is owned, managed and administered by the University, which is responsible for its integrity, truthfulness and for updating the information of the services that can be accessed through it.

The electronic address of the on-line office is, which may be accessed directly and through a link to the office on the website of Public University of Navarre, (

The University's on-line office will get identified through a specific certificate of safe device or similar. The purpose of the on-line office certificate will be exclusively its identification. For more detailed information go to Certificates certification system



All University automatised administrative actions and procedures will be accessed and processed through the on-line office, and it will also be possible to access those services which require authentication of natural or legal persons in their relations through electronic paths with the University.

Likewise, those proceedings that the University decides to include in the on-line office for efficiency and quality in the services rendered purposes will be processed.


Who is obliged to relate to upna electronically?


Students, teaching and research staff, Technical, Management, Administration and Services Personnel of University in their administrative and academic dealings with the University, except for students of Aula de la Experiencia (Senior education).

Those people who take part in the University access tests (EvAU), organised by Public University of Navarre.

People who apply for admission to any UPNA's official and own degrees taught at this University, except for people who apply for admission to degrees taught at Aula de la Experiencia.

Taking into account the required training, those natural persons who take part in teaching and/or research staff, and administration and services staff selection processes, in procedures and calls for grants and subsidies, and in any other procedure competitive in nature called by the University.

Any other natural and legal person who, based on the provisions established on article 14.2 of Law 39/2015 and related provisions, are required to relate to University electronically.