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In accordance with article 31.3 of Act 39/2015, of 1 October, on Common Administrative Procedure, the Public University of Navarre hereby publishes the following calendar of non-working days for the calculation of deadlines.
Calendar of non-working days in the Community of Navarre
Saturdays, Sundays and days declared public holidays are considered non-working days (Art. 30.2 of Act 39/2015).
The calendar of non-working days in the Community of Navarre and published in the Official Gazette of Navarre will be taken into account for the calculation of deadlines in administrative procedures.
The calculation of deadlines is regulated in Chapter II, Title II of Act 39/2015, of 1 October, on Common Administrative Procedure.
Timetable of Help desks in the matter of Registration of Public University of Navarra.