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On-line office Help

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What is the on-line office?

The on-line office is a website through which citizens can exercise their right to access information, services and public administration procedures on-line.

The on-line office you are currently visiting belongs to the Public University of Navarre (UPNA), which guarantees the accuracy, integrity and updating of the information and services that you can access via the site. For more information on ownership of and contact with the on-line office, click on the following link.



Contents of the on-line office

All relevant information concerning the UPNA’s regulations, public documents, official journals, job offers and procurement tenders, etc.

The administrative procedures and tasks that can be performed with the UPNA on-line without having to actually go to its offices.


How to access the services and administrative procedures available

The on-line services and administrative procedures made available through the on-line office can be accessed by citizens in two different ways:

  • Anybody, whether they belong to the University or not, can perform on-line procedures regardless of whether they have a University service portal username, can complete electronic procedures through the Cl@ve platform.
  • Students, teaching and research staff, and administration and services staff at the University can perform on-line some administrative procedures through the University’s service portal using their usernames and passwords.


Who is it aimed at?

All citizens who wish to communicate with the Public University of Navarre on-line.


What can I do at the on-line office?

You can conduct some business electronically with the same validity as if conducted in person. The procedures that can be managed by this means Will be progressively incorporated into the on-line office and can be accessed from the Catalogue of services.

Furthermore you can also consult the submitted registrations relating to those business through the “citizens folder” and you can also view information about the rules and regulations in this area and access other information relevant to the citizen, as the calls for labor supply and public tenders, application forms, etc.


What technical requirements are needed to perform a telematic procedure?

Recommended browser Google Chrome. ¡IMPORTANT! Remember to attach the application document together with the applicable information, when you “start procedure” (Iniciar trámite) in the Electronic registry.


Is it safe to use the services of the on-line office?

Communication between you and the on-line office is secure. All information is transmitted encrypted, preventing unauthorised access and modification, and, once saved to our systems, the required means are employed and the relevant security measures applied in order to protect it, in accordance with the National Security Framework (Royal Decree 3/2010) and, in the case of personal data, The Organic Law 3/2018, on Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights.

The on-line office is identified through a digital signature system based on a secure-device digital certificate that guarantees that the on-line office belongs to the Public University of Navarre. For more information, see "On-line office certificate verification system".


Are the administrative procedures performed at the on-line office as valid as those performed in person?

Yes, administrative procedures performed through the on-line office are as valid as those performed in person.


Is an electronic document valid if it is printed?

When an electronic document is printed, it is valid if it has a Secure Verification Code (SVC). With this code you can consult the original document online at the electronic address indicated in the document. This way you can verify that the paper document has not been altered.

When printing an electronic document, pay special attention to the fact that the side band containing the CSV is printed correctly, and if not, adjust the printing.


When can i use the on-line office?

Every day of the year, 24 hours a day.


What time and date are taken into consideration for the calculation of deadlines?

The official date and time of the on-line office are used for the calculation of deadlines for all administrative procedures, not the date and time of the computer the procedure is performed from. Find out more about the official date and time on the following link.

The date and time of an administrative procedure is completed when the citizen confirms the application and receives the relevant voucher from the on-line register, are the date and time recorded for administration purposes.

For example: An application for an administrative procedure whose deadline is the 20th of September, If you begin to fill in the application at 23:50 on the 20th, but do not finish until 00:10 the next day, then you have missed the deadline.

Also, bear in mind that it will be taken that any procedure performed on a holiday is, in fact, performed on the next valid business day.


A question mark appears on the bottom of the electronic document, what does it mean?

This question marks appears as an information advising the user that he has not validated the signature of the document. If the origin is known and the user trusts the signer, there is the option to validate the signature by clicking on the question mark. In this case, the question mark will become a green tick indicating that the signature is validated.
