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Home > On-line Office > Catalogue of services > > Talent Grants attached to the Research Institutes of the Public University of Navarra and Navarrabiomed

Procedure file Card
In charge Research Service
Description Call for 7 Talent Grants attached to the Research Institutes of the Public University of Navarre, 2021, financed by the Fundación "La Caixa". ( +INFORMATION )  
Period-Deadline The applications submission period will be from 1 to 15 September
Who can apply Proven postdoctoral experience of at least two years: postdoctoral contracts or grants or postdoctoral stays at research centres.
Application requirements
  • Proven postdoctoral experience of at least two years: postdoctoral contracts or grants or postdoctoral stays at research centres.
  • Having completed a postdoctoral research stay outside the Public University of Navarre for at least 6 months.
  • To not have exceeded four years with a contract under the protection of Article 22 of Law 14/2011, of 1 June, on Science, Technology and Innovation, on the starting date of the contract included in this call
Fees/Public prices -----
Documents to submit
Rules and regulations Call in English
Ways and places of processing
Online Necesario tener instalada la aplicación AutoFirma y un certificado digital de persona física (Consulte los sistemas de firma admitidos). Navegador recomendado Google Chrome
In person Not applicable
Contact for more information
Email servicio.investigacion@unavarra.es
Telephone 948 16 9018 / 9696
Office address Servicio Investigación. Edificio Rectorado. Campus Arrosadia. 31006 Pamplona