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On-line Office

Home > On-line Office > Catalogue of services > > Doctorado: ayudas para la participación en las Jornadas Doctorales del G-9

Procedure file Card
In charge Doctoral School of Navarre
Description Call for grants to participate in the G9 Doctoral Days, in order to finance part of the expenses generated by this activity actividad.
Period-Deadline See the call at the regulations section
Who can apply UPNA PhD students
Application requirements To be enrolled in a PhD programme at UPNA
Fees/Public prices No
Documents to submit APPLICATION FORM 
Poster (pdf format)
Rules and regulations Call for grants
Ways and places of processing
In person "Not applicable"
Contact for more information
Email escuela.doctorado@unavarra.es
Telephone 948 16 6006 / 7965
Office address Escuela de Doctorado de Navarra - EDONA. Edificio "El Sario". Campus de Pamplona: Arrosadia. 31006 Pamplona